The Pulse

Athlete’S Heart

Silhouette of runner with red heart and ECG/ECG background

Are you an athlete? What kind of athlete are you? As an athlete, the type of training you do can affect your heart. How? It’s simple! Your body needs more oxygen when you exercise. To meet this higher demand, your heart’s left ventricle has to pump more blood and at a higher pressure…

Women And Heart Disease

A woman holding a red heart in hands

In honor of Women’s History month, we at NWCD wanted to acknowledge the needs of women in health care today. The gender health gap is not new, in 2016 the World Health Organization found that although women in the European Union live longer that men, they spend more of their lives in…

Echocardiographic Assessment Of Pulmonary Hypertension

Right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) is one important marker, used in combination with other echocardiographic signs, in the assessment of patients at risk for pulmonary hypertension. A tricuspid regurgitant jet of greater than 2.7 m/sec is generally used as the screening velocity for pulmonary hypertension. A Bernoulli equation that incorporates…

Potential Cardio Risks Post Covid

Your heart post COVID

Potential Cardiovascular Risks in Patients After Initial COVID-19 Infection  Persistent symptoms from coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) are present in nearly 90 percent of patients 60 days post diagnosis. Proper testing, diagnosis, and management may prevent worsening illness.  COVID-19 has the potential for both direct and indirect long-term effects on the…